Edna Santos, DDS Green & Eco Friendly Practice

Emergency Dentist

Having A Dental Emergency in San Francisco?

Finding an Emergency Dentist in San Francisco

Most people don't start their search for an emergency dentist in San Francisco until they suffer a dental emergency. If this describes you, rest assured that Edna Santos, DDS has an emergency dentist in San Francisco available specifically for urgent dental emergencies.

Walk-in appointments are available during normal business hours, and for those who suffer true dental emergencies over the weekend, at night, or when the dentist is out of the office, arrangements can be made for care. 

Emergency Dental Care in San Francisco is a Just Phone Call Away 

San Francisco's Edna Santos, DDS is home to several dentists committed to providing prompt emergency dental care. If you are concerned about what to do should a dental emergency arise, keep one of our business cards in your wallet at all times (or add our phone number to your smartphone's contacts list). Should you need an emergency dentist in San Francisco, contact us right away or walk-in during normal business hours.

If you call after normal business hours, you will hear our voicemail greeting which will provide you with the cell phone number to the emergency dentist on call at our San Francisco dental practice. Do not hesitate to call this number if you have oral trauma.

Dr. Santos, Dr. Salpetchniyom, or one of our associates will assess the situation over the phone and determine the most appropriate course of action. Depending on the nature of the emergency, a dentist may meet you at our office for emergency dental care.

Experiencing a Dental Emergency in San Francisco? Contact Us Right Away!


San Francisco: 450 Sutter St Suite 1114    |    San Francisco, CA 94108   |    MAP & DIRECTIONS    Call: 415-362-9893

Office Location

  • San Francisco
  • 450 Sutter St.
  • Suite 1114
  • San Francisco, CA
  • 94108
  • Map & Directions
  • Call: (415) 362-9893